War speech rhetorical moves
War speech rhetorical moves

war speech rhetorical moves

The topic of this study is President Barack Obama’s speech, based on the Neo-aristotelian Rhetorical Analysis/Criticism. Rhetorical criticism is a contribution to the improve ment Presidential rhetoric is not only one of the powers available to a president, but in a democracy, it may well be the fundamental power, strengthening the need to improve our abilities as communicators through Rhetorical criticism. It is true that presidents have always wielded rhetoric as a strong tool of governance, related with political ends, such as image building, persuasion of the mass public, and inter-branch government persuasion. With this definition, Neustadt places the locus of presidential power in the president as persuader, instead of it residing solely in the formal legal or political powers. “Presidential power is the power the persuade”, as Neustadt states. A president, apart from his constitutional and statutory power granted by the constitution or conferred by law and his political power as head of the party, also has power with public opinion.

war speech rhetorical moves

It is a study of “how Presidents gain, maintain, or lose public support”. The discipline of presidential rhetoric is concerned with the study of presidential public persuasion as it affects the ability of a President to exercise the powers of the office. As a result, presidential/political rhetoric has emerged as a political communication theory that describes the communication and government style of U.S.

war speech rhetorical moves

Rhetoric is among the most important and least understood elements of presidential leadership. The argumentation of speech is studied from the aspect of New Rhetoric where persuasion, an integrant part of argumentation, is enforced not only with elements of Classic Logic, but with elements of Non Typical Logic as well. Over the past years, though, except from a method to produce effective communicative patterns, rhetoric functions interpretatively in an attempt to understand how people inside specific social situations try to affect others through language. Rhetoric, as Aristotle defined it, is the method of finding substantive means of persuasion in every rhetoric occasion. Keywords: Barack Obama, neo-Aristotle analysis method, presidential rhetoric, political rhetoric, canons of classical rhetoric. A comparative analysis of the persuasion techniques used by the speaker in relation to the Aristotelian rhetoric (textual and contextual rhetoric analysis) an examination of the principles and customs of fragments of the speech in question and a deeper critical insight of the primary message in order to highlight the ways this specific politic figure uses verbal and nonverbal elements to persuade in the field of presidential rhetoric.

war speech rhetorical moves

The methodological analysis is structured according to the five principles of Rhetoric speech, as mentioned in the work of Cicero, titled De Inventione. National and Kapodistrian University of AthensĮducator, Med ‘Rhetorics, Human Studies and The topic of the current paper is the rhetorical analysis/evaluation of president Obama’s speech, through the lens of the neo-Aristotelian method of analysis.

War speech rhetorical moves